Robin J. Mitchell
Robin paints daily life; things that inspire and excite. All the paintings are small, making it easier for people to buy and collect them. “Creating these small treasures brings great joy to my life.” Robin has won a Gemini Award for his work on the movie Nuremberg and has served on a Program Advisory Board at Sheridan College with the Dean of the Arts Program as well as the Dean of the College. A graduate from Sheridan College Illustration Program, Robin also teaches at the Oakville Art Society and holds workshops at numerous other Art Organisations and Clubs in North America.
McMicheal Canadian Art Collection - People Choice Award Plein Air Competition 2013
McMicheal Canadian Art Collection - First Place Plein Air Competition 2013
Oakville Arts Council 2013 Visual Art Award Recipient
Gemini Award for Best Visual Effects for the movie NUREMBURG with Alec Baldwin, Christopher Plummer and Jill Hennessy.
Sample Artwork

Putting People into Your Paintings
Date: Sunday, February 23, 2025
Time: 10 am to 3 pm
Where: Tim Horton Studio, FirstOntario Arts Centre Milton (2nd floor)
Fee: Members: $100; Non-Members: $120
Workshop Description
I will demonstrate how you can add people to your paintings with ease. I will show you where and how to install these figures in your paintings, that will add a new dimension to your work. Figures add a special interest and make the viewer relate to the scene/environment.
First, we will look at photos and simplify what we see and break it down into manageable parts. Then we will start with some simple exercises with single and group figures in silhouette, adding some colour sparingly. We will build on this to create easy to use skills that you can incorporate into your paintings. I will demonstrate and assist in your painting during the workshop.
Materials List
NOTE: Students will provide their own supplies including table covers and easels. Please note absolutely NO turpentine or solvents will be permitted in any workshop.
Sketchbook or notebook for taking some notes and for sketching out your composition
Brushes - I use synthetic brushes for oil and acrylic painting
Filberts or Flats sizes 3 and 5 - 1/4 inch and a 1/2 inch
A Rigger brush No2.
These are the brushes I use - please bring your regular brushes that work for you.
Other Items
Palette for paint mixing
A palette knife
Plastic Table Cloth
Water container
Paper towels
A Ruler and pencil
Painting surface: 6 to 8 canvases or canvas panels. You will need at least one per class
Paints - please use artist quality paints
Colours I will use- both for Water-soluble oil paints or acrylics
• Ultramarine Blue
• Burnt Umber
• Quinacridone Magenta OR Alizarin Crimson - and sometimes Napthol Red or Cadmium Red
• Lemon or Hansa Yellow
• Titanium White
• A painting medium - a transparent matte medium or retarder is needed.
Please use artist paints. Craft paints are great for painting crafts but not for painters! You will
notice a great improvement in paint handling and quality. This is just a guide - please bring the
paints you currently use.
Please email me if you have any questions or concerns